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Frequently asked questions and answers
Useful Information
Do I need previous experience?
No. Dancers can try any level 1 class as long as they are within the correct age range for that class. Check with the class instructor if you are unsure of your dancer's skill level or the age range of the class.
How do I sign up my dancer?
At the top of the website is a link to our registration form, studio rules and guidelines, and liability release. Simply click and download the forms, fill them out, and submit via email or in person. A $20 registration fee is necessary to hold the dancers' place in class. Dancers cannot attend class without these forms.
How do I know what my dancer should wear to class?
At the top of the website is a form called "rules and guidlines". This form has the info for class attire.
When are your dance fee policies?
Dance fees are paid monthly and are due between the 1st and the 7th of each month. Fees paid after the 7th will accrue a $10 late fee.
We follow the county school district calendar/cancellations for holidays and snow days. Fees will not be prorated for months with more or less than 4 weeks. If a class must be cancelled, that dancer can attend another class that week or a make up class will be scheduled by the instructor. Fees can be paid by cash, check, or venmo.
What do I need to know before signing my dancer up for class(es)?
At the top of the website is a link to our "policies/welcome" form. Click on it to get important studio info.
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